The Support Main Hitting Platinum in his Second Year

Leon Chen
3 min readMar 6, 2021
Courtesy of Harry

For the second instalment of my Meet the Players series, I caught up with Harry Jun right after his Biology midterm. Harry, a support main from the University of Toronto, gave me the scoop on everything from his League playstyle to his opinion on the Matt/Finn feud.

Leon: What got you into League initially?

Harry: The first time I played was a few years ago, when I was still at Mount Doug. Back then, I got into the game not out of self interest but because other people told me to. I didn’t find it fun, so I quit not after long. Fast forward to summer 2020, I didn’t have anything to do at home during the pandemic. I decided to give League another try since everyone else was playing it, and I’ve been playing regularly ever since.

Leon: Favourite champs and why?

Harry: I’m a big fan of engage champs because you just have a bigger presence the entire game with your gank and playmaking potential. At the start of S11, I played a lot of Thresh. He has all the essentials for an engage champ and more: hook, cc, and a very versatile W that you can save your teammates with. But after 30 games I had like a 43% winrate with him, so I tried other champs like Blitz, who I’m most famous for. My favourite champ right now has to be Nautilus though. He scales hard and has hook with a big hitbox.

Leon: So would you say your playstyle is aggressive?

Harry: Yes. Engage champs over e-girl champs always. Enchanters you have to rely on your team to carry, and that’s not me.

Leon: Favourite ADCs to play with?

Harry: I’d say Draven, but I don’t see much of him. Lately, I’ve been playing with a lot of Jhins. They tend to be OK players and have good followup on my engages.

Leon: What’s your current rank? What’s your goal this season?

Harry: Gold III 20 LP. By the end of the season, I will definitely find myself Plat. Here’s my reasoning: I’ve been playing games with Turtlee up in Plat 4, and, I’ll tell you what, bot lane doesn’t matter. I don’t think the skill gap is that big; Gold 4 and Plat 4 bot lanes play the same.

Harry’s last 10 solo/duo games. He’s currently sitting at 60% WR over 200 games

Leon: What’s your approach to climbing, and how serious do you take ranked?

Harry: In S10, I didn’t tilt at all. Contrast that to S11, I find myself typing to my teammates when they make stupid plays. I have an every game is winnable mindset. I’m always the last to vote no during FF votes.

Leon: Would you say that you’re the best support player among the Nibs?

Harry: I’ve got a lot more to learn. I know that guy Kev got to Diamond last season playing support. I wouldn’t say I’m the best. There’s other players like Exposey and Kevin.

Leon: You’re currently higher rank than Nattan, someone who started playing before you. How much do you think experience matters?

Harry: I don’t think experience matters at all to be honest. The most important thing is where you stand on the solo queue ladder. I don’t think players should be categorized based on when they started. It’s a bit too soon to say I’m better than Nattan since we play different roles.

Leon: Is there a pro-player or streamer who you model your game after?

Harry: For support, CoreJJ for sure. I watch all his Team Liquid games and sometimes his streams. Inspirational stuff.

Leon: What do you do outside of League these days?

Harry: Just school work. League is my only leisure activity.

Leon: Is there anything else you want to say?

Harry: Yeah I just want to talk about the Matt, Jamie, Finn thing. I think Matt should stop sleeping on Finn. Matt is currently better than Finn, but Finn is just starting out. He is showing way more potential than Matt and Jamie when they were starting out.

